Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It's not too late, Part One

This life is packed with a lot of opportunities, some good, some bad and some great. We have a lot of choices and every day, whether we like it or not we make decisions. There’s something about the process of decision making that is very intriguing. Some of us weigh what we perceive as all our options, all the pros and cons and then we decide. Some of us don’t think about anything or anyone and just decide. While others are somewhere in between, but we all make choices. So, when I became pregnant with my first born I had a big choice to make: would I stay home or go back to work?

A lot of women feel like they wish they even had that choice, because the option of staying home wasn't available, feasible or favorable…or possibly even desirable.  And even though our financial comfort zone was at stake with the decision to stay home or go back to work, I still had a choice—a decision had to be made.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself to help you understand how difficult this choice became for me:
I’m a very driven, self-motivated and determined person. I've accomplish quite a bit in my 20 something years on this earth. I had achieved worldly standards of success, I knew how to make goals and achieve goals to reap tangible rewards. I didn't know how or what success could be measured from a stay-at-home mom, I thought surely I must do much, much more.  Staying at home with my son didn't seem like it would get me any set of accolades or trophies to set on my book shelves. Yet, I knew I wanted to be a mother capable of caring for my family in a fashion that working out-side the home wouldn't allow, so staying at home seemed right for me —but it didn't feel possible. How exactly could we go  from two incomes to one when we established our financial obligations on two incomes. Hmmm…it wasn't looking like much of a choice anymore. But, I decided to pray.

I knew that staying at home to raise my child was what my heart most desired, but I did the math and I still couldn't figure out how it was going to work. It just didn't add it—it just didn't make sense. So,  I decided to pray, a choice I knew was the right one to make.

While I was pregnant with my son I was also in  graduate school working on a Master’s degree in Clinical Counseling, working full-time and operating my self-established makeup artistry business. I was busy.  And for some reason, probably because I had no idea what life would be like as a mother, I thought I would be able to keep up the pace after having my son—and maintain my sanity. I thought I would be able to stay home, be fully present in my marriage,  maintain a clean home, cook three elaborate meals a day,breast feed,  play/entertain/engage with my son all while continuing my work on my Master’s Degree and maintain my makeup artistry business. I knew I wouldn't maintain my full-time job, but I had plans to continue working in my business—just slow down a bit. I had a plan in my mind as to what life would be like. Then, I gave birth to my beautiful son and EVERYTHING changed.

It’s amazing how life is suddenly completely different once you become a mother. My son was a demanding baby that craved one-on-one contact and if he wasn't snuggled in our arms, then he wasn't content. I breastfed him for nearly 13 months and it was quite the bumpy ride, at least for the first couple months. But, I still went back to school. I was so determined to not give up on MY agenda—MY plan. And even though, through prayer God provided a way for me to stay home with my son, I still attempted to load my plate with several unrealistic tasks.  I was willing to do whatever necessary to achieve MY agenda. I wanted it all and I was willing to work for it, but at a cost.

Come back tomorrow for part two. 

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